

The story continues
We went out wednesday morning to the street. The square near the hospital was empty. If you would be there for the first time, you wouldn't know that this square was the home of different street kids.

A lady is cleaning the leaves from the square, we asked her if she know something. But she don't know. Later a police man tells us about an other square, where they possibly could be. But we didn't found them there. Also at an other place, known as a place for street kids and adults, they can not give us answers.

Before we go home we decide to go to an other organization who work with street kids. They also offer showers and food for the kids. It's some kind of shelter during the day. We are at the beginning of working together with them, and it's important to share our knowledge about the street kids. They also don't know much, but they gave us a phone number of their street team, and we changed phone numbers and agreed to keep in touch if we have any news.

The next day we receive a phone-call of a social worker who work with the family of one of the street girls. L...  did visit the shelter yesterday afternoon, and did not want to talk with the people there. But she said that she only wanted to talk with us.
That's an interesting development! And we feel happy that she is trying to find us!

At friday evening the team of the Rescue House (they work with the street boys) are able to find them on the square that the policeman told us about. They find different street boys and *L... and three other girls M... , and C...  and J... these girls visited our open house before. The team asked them to wait for us coming wednesday, so we can pick them up.

But the street kids still feel pressured because of the police. The police is using this time to practice for the World Cup next year, on how "to clean up the streets" and this week the Confederation Cup will start. A lot of street kids are already put in prison, because of this the kids decide to split up in a few small groups. Maybe when they got afraid and feel more pressured we are sure they will go to other places.

Prayer points
Please pray for us that we surely can meet this wednesday. That we can have a good conversation and build on a good relationship with them.

- L... wants to talk with us. Pray for wisdom in what we can say and share with her. She is from an other city, and since the age of 8 years she is living in the streets of Belo Horizonte. The social worker told us that they picked her up like 20 times to bring her back home. But every time she went back to the street. Pray that it will be clear why she runs away every time. One thing we know is that's she's not having a good relationship with her brothers. Pray that there we will be solutions that can help her.
Pray that of all things, we first of all listen to her!

- That L... trust us so much that she want to talk with us.
- We could find the street kids.
- Although the work is a little bit difficult now, we see the number of girls growing that want to visit our open house. We already had four girls during one open house.

* Because of privacy we only put down a letter of the names of the street girls

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