
Reaching out to the teenage girls in the slum

Picture this: A fifteen year old girl from the slum drops out of school and starts hanging out with one of the tough guyes in the neigbourhood, that is involved with drug traffic. After a few months she becomes pregnant. Her mom is raising the children alone, and provides for her family with a very small income. As soon as the baby gets old enough the teenage girl has to find a job, to be able to provide for herself and the baby...

This is a typical storyline for many of the teenage girls in the slums of Belo Horizonte. In Brazil teenage girls stand for 20 % of the pregnancies per year. Reborn Hope will through teenage girls groups reach out to girls that are at risk to be a part of this stastistic. Through raising awareness and showing them how God can transform their lives we belive that these girls can make a difference in their communities. We are excited to see this become a reality as we are starting our groups in March.

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