Youth With A Mission is an international volunteer movement founded in 1960 in the United Estates by Loren Cunnighan. YWAM came to Brazil in the 70’s.
Currently it operates in more than 50 locations around Brazil. Prominent among the main activities: field work with Indians and communities that live on the banks of rivers; transformation and developing initiatives in poor communities; be present in important social events; Training programs in different areas such as dramatic arts, communication, administration, education, social assistance and justice, among others.
For 25 years, founded by Johan e Jeannete Lukasse, Belo Horizonte’s YWAM is a reference in the work with children from streets and in the development of families in a social vulnerability situation. It has more than ten projects currently, among shelters, community centres, training courses and prevention initiatives. There is staff members from different nationalities working full time.
Currently it operates in more than 50 locations around Brazil. Prominent among the main activities: field work with Indians and communities that live on the banks of rivers; transformation and developing initiatives in poor communities; be present in important social events; Training programs in different areas such as dramatic arts, communication, administration, education, social assistance and justice, among others.
For 25 years, founded by Johan e Jeannete Lukasse, Belo Horizonte’s YWAM is a reference in the work with children from streets and in the development of families in a social vulnerability situation. It has more than ten projects currently, among shelters, community centres, training courses and prevention initiatives. There is staff members from different nationalities working full time.
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